About District 51
District 51, a service entity of Area 59 AA is comprised of southern Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The territory of the district ranges from approximately Bristol-New Hope.
District 51 has grown to 80+ groups, with 50% having GSRs and/or alternate GSRs, 5 District Officers, 1 intergroup liaison, and 8 subcommittees. The district typically holds at least one workshop per year, an annual picnic, various service oriented activities, actively participates in Area 59, and is dedicated to helping all homegroups of the district to have an informed group conscious.
Monthly District Business Meeting
The District meets at 7 pm on the third Thursday of every month.
Faith Reformed Church
479 Stonybrook Dr
Levittown, PA 19055
All AA members are welcome to attend! We love to have visitors from other districts!
District 51 Panel 75 Officers
District Committee Member (DCM) | Lindsay E. | District51DCM@gmail.com
Alternate District Committee Member (ADCM) | Becca K. | District51ADCM@gmail.com
Secretary | Chris R. | District51secretary@gmail.com
Treasurer | Katie T. | District51Area59Treasurer@gmail.com
Officer At Large | Steph H. | District51OAL@gmail.com
Website Support | Clint H. | WebServantD51A59@gmail.com
Area 59
The United States and Canada are divided into 93 “Delegate Areas” for Alcoholics Anonymous. The Eastern Pennsylvania General Service Assembly (EPGSA) is the service body for groups in Delegate Area 59. It is the connection through which groups can participate in A.A.’s wider decision-making and service structure. It is how we come together to express our conscience and take on bigger service projects that are only possible when groups collaborate. We presently have a grand total of 49 districts; 48 geographic districts and one Spanish linguistic district encompassing all of eastern Pennsylvania. Area 59 serves approximately 1,636 active, registered A.A. groups and more than 32,044 members throughout eastern Pennsylvania.
District 51
District meetings provide a forum for communication between General Service Representatives (G.S.R.s) and the District Committee Member (D.C.M.) Most Districts meet monthly or quarterly to discuss issues relevant to A.A. general service as well as issues confronting the individual local groups. G.S.R.s bring group considerations to the attention of the D.C.M. and the D.C.M. brings issues discussed at the Area level that are relevant to A.A. as a whole to the attention of the G.S.R.s. The District Meeting is key to proper communication between the Area Delegate, the General Service Conference, and the individual group member.